Thoughts on an article on "Flaking"

On the Normalisation of  Antisocial Behaviour

   This is something that has been hypothetically grinding my gears, although I was not affected by it yet: The benefit of having no social circle anywhere. But I see what people are posting online, and it's not looking good, which is why I would agree with the author of this piece.

    I don't condemn those who have to opt out spontaneously because of unforeseen events, but those are also not who the author condemns. They speak about those who opt out in the last minute because they changed their mind. And that is only when they will call to notify about their absence, instead of being no-shows and AWOLs. This is just plain antisocial behaviour and cannot be justified anyhow. If you think that you don't want to attend a soirée or a party, that's fine, but give the host or whoever you meant to meet some leeway to plan ahead, rather than pushing them off minutes beforehand.