Of Journalism and Propaganda

Was Andy Ngo asking for it?

Portland, OR, has become a summertime melting pot for Antifa activists and self-proclaimed Proud Boyseach year, it seems, both groups gather together in this town to clash like warriors on a field to show how they were ready to fight for their ideals, respectively a strong Old Glory maintaining freedom and traditional values, and a diverse society where everyone was free to live as he or she wished to do so. But this time, something was different--a journalist, the «Quilette» editor Andy Ngo, ended up in the Antifa's gauntlet, being thrown with milkshakes and punchhes. This day ended in the emergency room for him, sadly. Some people on the internet applauded unto this vicious action, called it rightful, regarding his employment with the Conservative outlet, others were shocked by the behaviour on Antifa's behalf, obviously threatening press freedom with physical violence. And there's good reason to be shocked, despite a left-winged majority contradicting this normally self-explaining point of view. 

Wort zum Sonntag – 2019, KW 30

Wort zum Sonntag, dem 28. Juli 2019

Einen schönen Sonntag Euch allen. Wir haben in dieser Woche abermals erleben dürfen, wie ein Schiff voller Migranten im Mittelmeer kenterte, einmal mehr kamen unzählige Menschen sinnloserweise ums Leben. Sinnlos war es, weil man es hätte verhindern können, eine funktionierende Seenotrettung und ein nahtlos funktionierendes Programm zum Übersetzen in einem sicheren Hafen hätte es verhindern können. Das Problem daran: Dieses System existiert nicht. Vonseiten der Staaten, welche in Nordafrika die Küsten zum Mittelmeer flankieren, ist nichts zu erwarten, in der Regel sehen sie sich nicht in der Verantwortung. Vonseiten Europas hingegen wäre es durchaus zu erwarten, die Küstenstaaten sind Mitglieder der EU (bis auf Albanien). Das Problem: Interner Zwist über das Verfahren. Und das kostet mit anhaltender Uneinigkeit Menschenleben. 

Kerouac and the Beatniks

The Beat Culture and Jack Kerouac's
«On the Road»

Jack Kerouac’s “spontaneous novel” “On The Road» is renown as the most influential novel on the Beat Generation of the 1950’s, as a compass for many youngsters of this time, comparable to a Holy Script of who they were. This was only possible because Kerouac him-self was part of this culture, of this “movement.” As he wrote himself, he was travelling for a long time, not continuously writing on this book but only from time to time, not intending to finish it anytime soon. The writing process was a slow one, slowly but steady. What often goes unseen, on the other hand, is the diverse depiction of the zeitgeist in different regards – Kerouac’s protagonists Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty usually stop by in cities to visit clubs where various musicians jammed together, although they also coincidentally, but not seldom, happen to attend jam sessions with famous musicians of their time, musicians who obtained broad acclaim for having shaped Jazz music fundamentally. 

The Ones Coming Through The Tortilla Curtain...

How Boyle’s ‘Tortilla Curtain’ represents today’s social polarization on the border issue” 

The US are in great peril along the Southwestern border, due to a breaking point in immigration (1 | 2). More and more immigrants are asking for asylum in the US (3), thereby heating a de-bate that has been going on since the foundation of the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the George W. Bush presidency (4). People were debating the issue of who to grant asylum and who not to grant asylum ever since; people feared to lose their freedom rights due to lacks of security, families were afraid of a rise in crime despite a decreasing trend in criminality (5). Oftentimes, it was mentioned that the discussion had been polarized between two frontiers, namely the left wing that promotes a more liberal immigration law that would permit more asylum for apprehended immigrants, and the right wing that demands a stronger immigration policy that would permit less asylum to apprehended immigrants.